Block Email Spam with Postfix SMTP server (Ubuntu 20.04)

We already went through email and DNS setup, but there is one thing I haven’t covered yet and is making life miserable for every IT guy/girl – spam.

You can manage spam via Postfix and here are some tips on how to do it.

Usually spammers don’t have PTR record for their email, they don’t resend emails if delivery fails (you can use tarpiting). Also, they usually forge Form field and they have no valid hostname in HELO/EHLO.

Ok, so let’s see how we can mitigate some of these issues.

Before we begin

I’m doing this on my already installed email server, which resides on Ubuntu 20.04. You can check more details on my blog.

All of these are supplement measures for antispam/antivirus solution and will make job easier for your other antispam/antivirus measures.

Greylisting in Postfix

Greylisting will not replace antispam but can make life easier for it. This measure is very effective but can also have some penalties for end user. I will also say – first test this before prouction, it may slow your email communication significantly – test before you put it into production, and see if this technique fits your need.

Basically, what greylisting does is when someone sends you email and your email server receives it, it tells to the sending server – can you please try again later? Legit email server will try again and have it’s email delivered. Most spammers don’t have time for this.

sudo apt install postgrey

Start the service and enable auto start.

sudo systemctl start postgrey
sudo systemctl enable postgrey

Open Postfix file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Add following under smtpd_recipient_restrictions

check_policy_service inet:

Save the file and exit.

Restart Postfix

sudo systemctl restart postfix

You can check if service is running by running following command

sudo netstat -lnpt | grep postgrey

If you don’t have netstat installed on your server, you can install it by running – sudo apt install net-tools

Command returns nothing when I enter it.

It should return that postgrey is listening on port 10023. But it is not.

Let’s edit postgrey file

sudo nano /etc/default/postgrey

Edit line POSTGREY_OPTS so that it look like this


Save file and exit.

Restart Postgrey

sudo systemctl restart postgrey

And let’s now check once again if the postgrey is listening.

sudo netstat -lnpt | grep postgrey

It is now

Greylisting is slow for end users…

Greylisting can be somehow bad experience for a user, because users wait more time for emails.

To mitigate this we can do following


/etc/postgrey/whitelist_clients and /etc/postgrey/whitelist_recipients are files we need. First one has hostnames in it, and second one – recipients addresses.

This is part of the whitelist_client file by default after install

and this is the part of whitelist_recipients file

After editing these files, restart postgrey.

sudo systemctl restart postgrey

Create another MX record

You can also make this faster by simply creating another MX record with slightly higher weight record on the same IP. For example with weight 10 and with weight 15. Both MX records on same IP address. In theory, if the ask sending server to try later, it should immediately try on and user should receive email immediately instead of waiting for greylisting to do its thing.

You should also edit /etc/default/postgrey and add –delay=1 swich for this to work.

POSTGREY_OPTS="--inet= --delay=1"

In the end, this method is not 100% know for working, because it depends on sending email server. Maybe it won’t immediately try second MX record.

Reject email if it has no PTR record.

We already covered this in the email server installation guide and DNS guide. PTR record is one of the prerequisites if you want your email server to function properly.

I will not get into details about PTR because I already did that in previous guides.

To fiter emails without PTR record we need to edit file in Postfix.

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

I don’t have smtpd_sender_restrictions in my file, so I will add this to the bottom of the file.

smtpd_sender_restrictions =

If you have mtpd_sender_restrictions in my file just add following

Permit rules are missing on this screenshot, but be sure to add them

Save end exit file.

Restart Postfix service

sudo systemctl restart postfix

Enable HELO/EHLO restrictions

Some spammers don’t have valid hostname in their HELO/EHLO SMTP dialog. Their HELO/EHLO can have invalid domains or internal domains listed.

To enable HELO/EHLO restrictions we will once again open file of Postfix.

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Add following line

smtpd_helo_required = yes

Then add following lines also to the same file in the smtpd_helo_restrictions section (or create one at the bottom of the file). I think that the lines are self-explanatory.

smtpd_helo_restrictions =

Save and exit file.

Reboot Postfix

sudo systemctl reload postfix

There are cases where legitimate email servers don’t have A record for HELO/EHLO hostname. We can whiteliste those servers by adding check_helo_access line that we will add to the smtpd_helo_restrictions in the file

check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access

This is how it look like now

We also need to add the helo_access file.

sudo nano /etc/postfix/helo_access

Servers should be listed like this in that file

email-webtest-prod-2.local          OK    OK

You can leave these as a placeholders in the file so you have an idea how to add entries in the future.

Save and exit file.

We need to run following command to create /etc/postfix/helo_access.db file.

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/helo_access

Reload Postfix

sudo systemctl reload postfix

Reject email if SMTP hostname don’t match/have valid A record.

The legitimate email server needs to have matching host A record in DNS.

In order to filter out emails that don’t have valid A record we need to do again file of Postfix again.

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

under smtpd_sender_restrictions section add two following lines


Save and close file.

Restart Postfix.

sudo systemctl restart postfix

Reject email if it does not have MX or A DNS record

Some spammers use non existent domain in MAIL FROM (also known as envelope address) field. If the sender has no MX record or A record, Postfix cannot send email to it, so why not reject it if you cannot reply to it – that should be a sound logic (I think :) )

Edit in Postfix

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Under smtpd_sender_restrictions add following. It is good practice to put this at the top of reject rules in the smtpd_sender_restrictions part so that it executes first.


Save and close file.

Restart Postfix

sudo systemctl restart postfix

Use Public Realtime Blacklists

These can be powerful tools.

We will again edit from Postfix

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Under smtpd_recipient_restrictions we need to add following


Save the file and exit

rhs – right hand side, domain name

reject_rhsbl_helo – will reject blacklisted HELO/EHLO hostnames

reject_rhsbl_reverse_client – if PTR record is blacklisted, mail will be rejected.

reject_rhsbl_sender – if MAIL FROM is blacklisted, email will be rejected.

reject_rbl_client – if IP is blacklisted, email will be rejected.

Create a whitelist

There may be exceptions you will need to whitelist.

Create following file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/rbl_override

Enter something like following line to whitelist      OK           //This domain belongs to Zeljko M, it is ok.

Save and close file.

We also need to create rbl_override.db file.

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/rbl_override

Again, we need to edit Postfix file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Under smtpd_recipient_restrictions we need to add following

check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/rbl_override,

Save and exit

Restart Postfix

sudo systemctl reload postfix

Using Public Whitelist

If you wish to reduce false positives, public whitelist should be added.

Edit in Postfix

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Add following to the file, add it above reject_rbl_client line


You can also add following to the file


I haven’t add last one to my filters

Save file and exit.

Here is overview of my filters

Other good practices

Enable DMARC policy.

I already talked about that, check my blog post about email DNS setup.

Make sure your email server is not an open relay!!!

I cannot stress this one enough. Being open relay will get you blacklisted very quickly.

Open in Postfix

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Find following line and check that it is just as the one specified below.

smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated defer_unauth_destination

Install Fail2ban

I already talked about this in Ubuntu Server Hardening guide.

Here is just a quick recap of commands.

To install it, run following

sudo apt install fail2ban

Check if the service is started

sudo systemctl status fail2ban

By default Fail2ban bans client IP for 10 minutes if it failed auth 5 times. The ban is done by adding iptables firewall rules. You can check rules by typing in

sudo iptables -L

Edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local to enable SMTP AUTH attack

sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Add following

enabled  = true
bantime  = 10m
filter   = postfix-flood-attack
action   = iptables-multiport[name=postfix, port="http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve", protocol=tcp]
logpath  = /var/log/mail.log

You can also whitelist IPs by adding them to the same file like this (separate by space)

ignoreip = ::1 111.222.333.444

Also, you can specify (in the same file) how many failed attempts you wish to tolerate.

maxretry = 4

Save and close file.

We also need to create filter

sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-flood-attack.conf

Add following

failregex = lost connection after AUTH from (.*)\[<HOST>\]
ignoreregex =

Save and close

Restart fail2ban

sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

/var/log/fail2ban.log is location in which you can check logs, and see auth attempts to your email server.

If you want to manually block somebody, you can do so by entering following

sudo ufw insert 1 deny from 111.222.333.444 to any

Ok, that is it more or less on this topic, we will also setup other antispam filters on our mail server, just to be extra careful.
