Ok, so we have done a lot of work, and we know how to establish a lot of services in Windows Server now, one thing that we need for our production environment is a solid backup solution. In my everyday work I use a lot of various solutions (Veeam, DPM…) and I will also try to cover those if there is a time – today we are going to focus how to establish Nakivo in our environment.
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Create Highly Available SQL installation – Configure SQL AlwaysON
I already did detailed SQL installation and light config guide in part of the server basics series. Today, we are going to make our installation highly available by implementing SQL AlwaysON.
Read MoreServer Basics 15: How to install database server – install SQL
One of the main components of every serious company is database server – there will be a lot of applications that make use of database, so you will need to know at least basic things about databases. Today – we will install Microsoft SQL server, and go through that process. I will go through installation of SQL Server 2017, but the process is similar for newer SQL versions.
Read MoreCreate ISCSI Target cluster on Windows Server 2019
We already done ISCSI Target setup on the blog. We also done failover clustering guide and two node storage spaces direct guide.
All of these ingredients we will now use to configure ISCSI Target cluster on Windows Server 2019.
Read MoreCreate two node Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) in Hyper-V
We already done four node setup, and you can find all the details on my blog. This is more or less same setup, but this time only with two nodes. I will not go into so much details in this guide, it is more or less the same setup as in the guide I wrote before. Two node setup will only grant you Mirroring option, which is more than fine for some scenarios.
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