Install NTP server CentOS / Red Hat

NTP server is important component in every enterprise system since it gets the network time synchronized, scripts execute on time, backup jobs done…

On RHEL 8 ntp is implemented by chronyd. Chrony can work both as server and client.

So, let us set it up.

(run all commands as root)

Install and configure chrony server:

First, we will install the package

sudo yum -y install chrony

Next, we will start chronyd service and set it to start after reboot

systemctl start chronyd
systemctl status chronyd
systemctl enable chronyd

Now we will set Chrony as our main time server for the local network.

We will edit /etc/chrony.conf 

I will edit it with vi editor.

vi /etc/chrony.conf

There is a line in chrony.conf which we will uncomment and set to allow machines from local network to update from our time server


I will set network for my lab network, you of course will enter network you use

This is after

Save and exit

You can also use /etc/chrony.conf file to add more NTP servers to it, here are some of the NTP servers you can add:

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

server iburst

here is also great list of NTP servers here –

I added a few servers that are close to my area – at the beginning of the /etc/chrony.conf

Save and exit…

After that we can run following command

sudo timedatectl set-ntp true

Restart service by entering:

systemctl restart chronyd

Next, we will open firewall to allow NTP requests

(two minuses are before permanent, add and reload words)

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ntp
firewall-cmd --reload

We will now check if NTP is working by entering following command

chronyc sources

Now, we will set client to sync time with our NTP server.

I have CentOS 8 which will serve as a client for this purpose

Frist, we will install chrony to our client

yum install chrony

In my case it is already installed, but you will confirm you want to install if you don’t have installation.

Next step will be to start and enable chrony service after reboot

systemctl start chronyd
systemctl enable chronyd
systemctl status chronyd

Again, we will edit /etc/chrony.conf again, this time on this client

vi /etc/chrony.conf

Comment ntp servers that are active at the top of the document and enter address of your local ntp server. In my case it is


It should look like this

Save and exit

Set NTP synchronization by entering:

sudo timedatectl set-ntp true

Now, we will restart chronyd service by entering:

systemctl restart chronyd

On client, check to see what are your ntp servers by entering:

chronyc sources

On server, you can check active clients by entering

chronyc clients

In case you are getting question mark instead of *, check again your settings, check firewall setup, check if the chrony service is active on server and client, recheck all.
